UNP Sustainability
Development Goals

The University of Northern Philippines (UNP) demonstrates a strong commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities through various initiatives, and the formulation of policies.
UNP actively works to reduce inequalities within, and among its stakeholders by implementing inclusive policies, and programs. The University’s admission standards welcome all individuals, regardless of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, or economic status, ensuring equal access to quality education.
Gender Difference in the Performance of the 2018 UNP Civil Engineering Graduates in the Licensure Exam
Proponents: Norma A. Esguerra, Christy Faye A. Gasmen
Through the years, female enrollees to the civil engineering program increase. The BSCE program which was once male-dominated has gradually developed into a co-ed profession. Nevertheless, doubts as to how competitive the female civil engineers are still exist despite the non-significant difference in the abilities of males and females in other programs resulting from research findings. This bias could have originated from the years they were in college. This study aims to discover gender difference in the scholastic and board performances among the 2018 BSCE graduates in the College of Engineering, University of Northern Philippines. The college grades and board ratings of 88 male and 64 female graduates who took the board examination in this same year were analyzed. The college grades, called scholastic performance, were requested from the University Registrar. Board ratings, taken as the board performance, were requested from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).
Keywords: scholastic performance, board performance, gender difference, significant difference, significant relationship
Lived Experiences of Special Education Teachers in the New Normal
Proponents: Edmar M. Paguirigan, Marjorie Janel R. Paguirigan, Lorely A. Ablog
The primary objective of this research study is to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the practical challenges special education teachers face when delivering services to students with disabilities amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, given the altered format of education delivery in Ilocos Sur, Philippines. Five special education instructors who offer specialized educational services to students with disabilities are included in the study. The subsequent overarching motifs were identified via qualitative analysis of interview transcripts: (1) Feeling Stressed and (2) Challenges and Problems
Encountered. The unparalleled shift towards distance learning, specifically modular learning, has engendered a sense of strain among educators, who perceive themselves as being (1) burnout teacher, (2) A teacher who lacks training, and (3) A teacher who needs support. SPED instructors encountered similar difficulties and obstacles when attempting to implement modular distance learning. They encountered challenges in (1) Contacting and Connecting to Students, (2) Planning the Activities, (3) Making the Learning Activity Sheets (LAS), and (4) Evaluating Incomplete and Unanswered LAS. The results of this study will offer insights into the practical challenges faced by special educators during distance learning, as well as identify supplementary resources that will enhance special education in the current paradigm.
Keywords: Special Education Teachers, Learners with Special Needs, Distance Learning
Contextualization and Localization of Teaching Mathematics in the New Normal
Proponents: John Paul G. Fabrigas, Joseph G. Taban
To understand how contextualization and localization have been applied to mathematics instruction, this study explored the effects of the shift in the educational paradigm brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. This research determined the extent of implementation of contextualization and localization in teaching Mathematics among the Mathematics teachers in the fourteen schools in the El Nido Del Norte and Del Sur Districts in the new normal. Mixed methods, quantitative, and qualitative research designs were employed using a survey questionnaire as the primary data-gathering tool and a semi-structured interview guide. The level of implementation of contextualization and localization in teaching Mathematics, specifically in terms of assessment tools and instructional materials, was found to be “High.” It was found that creating localized materials was challenging among teaching teachers because it required translating materials into local languages, especially since there are multiple languages spoken in the area. However, teachers receive support from administrators, colleagues, parents, and the community to overcome challenges. Based on these findings, recommendations made in the study included regular professional development, building a community of practice, research and evaluation, policy and technology support, involving parents/local community, and monitoring and feedback.
Keywords: Contextualization, localization, teaching Mathematics, adversities, coping mechanisms
The Status of the Sports Development Program of a State University in Region 1
Proponents: Chasen G. Almazan
This study aimed to determine the status of the Sports Development Program of the University of Northern Philippines for the Academic Year 2020-2021. It employed the descriptive correlational method of research. The data gathered were treated with the following tools: frequency count and percentage, weighted mean, ranking, and correlation analysis. Results revealed that overall, the UNP’s Sports Development Program status is “Very Satisfactory.” The performance of the teams was found to be significantly related to the status of the university’s sports development program in terms of its implementation of strategies and techniques, support systems, benefits, incentives and awards, and competencies of coaches. The student-athletes face the challenges of balancing athletic and academic responsibilities. The following recommendations are forwarded: (1) All the Coaches and Trainers should be encouraged to improve their craft by attending relevant training; (2) Student athletes should also be able to excel not only in sports but also in academics; (3) The Sports Development should take necessary steps in improving the performance of the Teams in the competitions; (4) The best practices of the high-performing HEIs should be adapted; (5) Mechanisms and action plans should address the problems and concerns of the respondents. (6) Year-round sports activities involving all the stakeholders should be conducted to strengthen linkages and promote health and wellness.
Keywords: Sports, coaches, student-athletes, sports development program, sports activities
Path Model of Mathematics Achievement in Senior High School
Proponent: Jeffrey Galangco
Numerous studies were carried out to investigate factors influencing students’ mathematics achievement. It is, therefore, undeniable that a variety of factors influence how well students learn mathematics. As such, this study aimed to construct a path model on the factors influencing the mathematics achievement of Senior High School students. In particular, this study focuses on five subject components: Junior High School (JHS) math experience, JHS grade point average, attitudes toward mathematics, self-efficacy, and anxiety. The causal relationships and relative strengths of the direct and indirect relationships were explored for the sets of exogenous and endogenous variables using path analysis. The results unveiled an acceptable fit for the path model of the mathematics achievement in Senior High School. It indicated that students’ mathematics achievement was influenced directly by JHS math general point average and mathematics anxiety; and indirectly by JHS math experience, attitudes, and self-efficacy. Moreover, the path model revealed that the JHS math grade point average exhibited the strongest influence on students’ mathematics achievement. This suggests that a greater emphasis on developing basic mathematics skills and building a solid foundation at the Junior High School level leads to a better comprehension of higher mathematics.
Keywords: path analysis, mathematics achievement, path model, Senior High School
Uncovering Health Problems of UNP Personnel
Proponent: Ernesto Tagorda Jr., Glenda Tagorda, Marsha Michelle Cabuena, Kriza Rosette A. Cadorna
The study aimed to determine the uncovered health problems of University of Northern Philippines (UNP) employees. The retrospective cohort study included UNP employees who took the 2021 Annual Medical Exam (AME). Data on their demographics, medical history, test results, and examination findings were collected. Descriptive statistics were used to present the subjects’ profile and overall health. The simple correlation was used to describe the relationship between the medical problems uncovered and the respondents’ profile. Generally, the respondentsare fit to work. However, more than half of the respondents had unsatisfactory health status, and hypertension was the most prevalent cause of morbidity. The study has uncovered diseases of the employees with Urinary tract infection (UTI) as the most uncovered disease.Furthermore, the research reveals a highly significant relationship between respondents’ age and undiagnosed heart problems or diabetes mellitus (DM). Additionally, there is a highly significant relationship between sex and undiagnosed health conditions. Moreover, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and anemia are significantly related to the type of employment. The AME has uncovered several health problems which may contribute to employees’ poor work performance. Thus, early detection and treatment of any health problem can improve the health and productivity of the university workforce.
Keywords: health status, uncovered health problems, annual medical exam
Lived experiences and academic aspirations of American citizens living with home-based care Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients
Proponents: Ernesto Tagorda Jr., Glenda Tagorda, Marsha Michelle Cabuena, Kriza Rosette A. Cadorna
The study explores the lived experiences and academic aspirations of the participants living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a rare neuromuscular disorder which could result in an early death due to its progression. This study used the descriptive phenomenology with purposeful sampling in the recruitment of the participants. A semi-structured interview guide was used and various platforms were considered such as actual interview in actual setting with the inclusion of videoconferencing and telephone interviews in gathering the data needed. The seven-step method of data analysis of Colizzi was utilized in data analysis in order to derive the themes of this qualitative
research. Four major themes emerged that reflected the lived experiences of the American citizens in this study namely: Theme 1: The State of being physically impaired; Theme 2: Support, Social Dependency and Independency; Theme 3: Academic aspirations, Theme 4: Positive Outlook in life and dependable caregivers. The process involves the experiences of the American citizens in the care of DMD patients aside from the dependable medical ventilators and other devises to extend the life span of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patient under their care. Results show positive scenarios of the life experiences of the American citizens with Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients. Despite the enormous demands of their unique task, the participants showed encouraging dispositions (Theme 4: Positive outlook in life- you can do it, dependable caregiver). Further, it is noted that in spite of these challenges, setting aside the academic aspirations of the patients was never an option.
Keywords: physically impaired, federal, life span, educational aspirations, positive outlook in life
An Enhanced Segmentation and Deep Learning Architecture for Early Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
Proponents: Renato R. Maaliw, Zoren P. Mabunga, Maria Rossana D. De Veluz, Alvin S. Alon, Ace C. Lagman, Manuel B. Garcia, Luisito Lolong Lacatan, Rhowel M. Dellosa
Diabetic retinopathy is a serious complication needing prompt diagnosis and medication to avert vision loss. Lesions caused by the condition are difficult to track because they are hidden behind the eye’s structure in small and subtle forms. To extract relevant features., we created a robust pipeline using multiple preprocessing techniques., image segmentation architecture (DR-UNet) with atrous spatial pyramid pooling., and an attention-aware deep learning convolutional network with different modules based on ResidualNet. Empirical results show that our framework has segmentation accuracies of 87.10% (intersection over union) and 84.50% (dice similarity coefficient). Moreover., classification performance of 99.20% provided better results than existing schemes., as reinforced by the smooth convergence of training/validation loss and accuracy. This study has the potential to supplement traditional diagnosis to identify better the ailment in its early and advanced stages.
Keywords: attention-aware DCNN, atrous spatial pyramid pooling, blindness, fundus images, lesion detection, ophthalmology
Mainstreaming Ambisyon Natin 2040 and Sustainable Development Goals in the University of Northern Philippines
Proponents: Erwin F. Cadorna, Joselito D. Dela Rosa, Archie Martinez
The United Nations, including the Philippines, adopted the 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda, which includes seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. The University of Northern Philippines (UNP) takes pride in its image as an institution of global quality. As a higher education institution, it is committed to contribute to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and the Philippines AmBisyon Nation 2040 goals in improving a lot of humanity and the world. This study aimed to analyze the mainstreaming of AmBisyon Natin 2040 and SDGs in UNP. It described activities under the 12 University’s development goals aligned to the AmBisyon Natin 2040 and SDGs and proposed a plan to sustain and strengthen them. Documentary analysis revealed that the University development goals, with feasible, practical, and doable activities, are allegiance to all the goals of the Philippines’ AmBisyon Natin 2040 and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Other state universities and colleges may replicate this research undertaking to have a written account and inventory of their endeavors as a testament of compliance and commitment to achieving the goals of AmBisyon Natin 2040 and SDGs.
Keywords: mainstreaming, sustainable development goals, AmBisyon Natin 2040, higher education.
Domestic Violence Against Women: A Global Perspective
Proponents: Joseph G. Taban, Dolores R. Bersamina, Randolf M. Agup
Crime such as robbery has been identified as one of the socio-economic problems across the world, which adverse social, economic, and family conditions have caused. Using discriminant analysis, this study proposed a model for classifying and predicting countries with low and high robbery rates. Robbery rates in 2018 of 42 countries across the world have been extracted from United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime as the dependent variable. Meanwhile, the independent variables included the unemployment rate, average household size, and poverty index. The study originally classified 32 countries with low and 10 with high robbery rates. Pretesting was employed, and the results showed that all the assumptions for discriminant analysis were fulfilled. Using standardized beta and Wilk’s Lambda, the average household size is the best predictor variable, while the unemployment rate is the least predictor variable. The overall prediction function model is significant. The classification results by discriminant analysis algorithm for groups with low and high robbery rates show that the proposed model correctly predicts 78.6% of the robbery rates of countries based on the three characteristics, such as their unemployment rate, average household size, and poverty index.
Keywords: Robbery rates, discriminant analysis, unemployment rate, average household size, poverty index
Ethical Literacy Criticism and Ariel Sotelo Tabag's Panangsapul iti Puraw a Kabalio
Proponent: Mark Louie Tabunan
Nie Zhenzhao’s ethical literary criticism provides a new take on ethics in literature, emphasizing the historicity of ethics and providing a new toolkit in understanding ethical dilemmas in literary texts. This article deploys ethical literary criticism in reading Panangsapul iti Puraw a Kabalio [Search for the White Horse], a marvelous realist novel by award-winning Ilokano writer Ariel Sotelo Tabag. Focusing on the ethical knots encountered by the four characters of the Tabaco clan, it examines the ethical choices they made against the backdrop of the ethical environments of the Second World War and the Martial Law period. Examining the life narratives of the characters reveals the ways in which their ethical choices are for vanquishing the horrors of the past so that they may live a better future. Building on Danilo Alterado and Aldrin Jaramilla’s maiyannatup a panagripirip, the article also reflects on the transplantation of ethical literary criticism in the Ilokano context to extrapolate a vernacular form of ethical consciousness which marks cultural difference and is astute to the cultural and historical concatenations and literary tradition in which the text and the author are imbricated.
Keywords: Ariel Sotelo Tabag, ethical choice, Panangsapul iti Puraw a Kabalio, ethical literary criticism, Ilokano literature
Light at the End of the Tunnel: Lived Experiences of Covid 19 Survivor
Proponents: Romelia P. Tamayo, Fe R. Rodillas
The purpose of this interpretative phenomenological qualitative study is to provide an in-depth understanding, description, and interpretation of the disease experiences of COVID-19 survivors. The participants were the nine patients discharged from the different hospitals after receiving treatments from the intensive care units and covid wards. Data were collected through individual in-depth face-to-face and virtual interviews until data saturation were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analyzed using Colaizzi’s method. Six main themes and 15 subthemes emerged: the main themes include: reactions while waiting for the COVID-19 test results, the physical and mental effects of COVID-19, adherence to the treatment and management in the hospital, treatment of hospital staff to their patients, support systems, and coping mechanisms of COVID-19 survivors. Understanding the patient’s disease signs and symptoms should serve as a basis for developing medications and treatments for COVID patients. They should adopt the coping mechanisms presented in this study because it may help them recover, as proven by the survivors. Further study is also recommended in a wider and broader scope.
Keywords: COVID-19 signs and symptoms, Phenomenology, COVID-19 treatments, COVID-19 survivor, COVID -19 virus
Arem wennu Raem (admiration or respect): A phenomenological understanding of Ilocano courtship
Proponent: Chase Mark S. Suyat, Mae Angelie V. Salvador-Garcia, Julie May N. Molina
The study was conducted to determine the real meaning of “panagarem” in the concept of Ilocano and its evolution, ways, and practices through the years. This study employed phenomenology using individual interviews. There were 4 participants from each generation. The study revealed that panagarem” plays an essential role in understanding the deeper meaning of Ilocano courtship with new strategies in the courting of the Ilocanos, whether traditional or modern style. The custom of Ilocano panagarem requiring a certain man to work for the woman’s family was a “long, arduous, and expensive process of courting. A series of friendly dates is the normal starting point in the Ilocano way of courting, and it is usually beginning with “sinuron” or the process of teasing, a process of pairing off a potential couple. Moreover, material things are the basis of settling down, because they are focused on the idea of stability. However, some of the previous practices are not going away; they use them until now. However, some practices have been added because of technology and social media platforms. However, the bottom line here is that the respect and honor of the parents of the “Maarar-arem” are still practiced in different generations. That concludes that “Panagarem” is also “Panag- Raem.
Keywords: courtship, “Panagarem” evolution, modern courtship, traditional courtship
When Freedom is Regained: The Life Experiences of Persons Deprived of Liberty after Incarceration
Proponents: Dolores R. Bersamina, Aurora R. Quero
The study focuses on the experiences of Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) after regaining their freedom. The transition to life outside prison can be challenging, potentially leading to reintegration or disintegration. Researchers used transcendental phenomenology to extract vital information from 10 PDLs, identifying significant themes to better understand their situations. The idea of living outside the jail can bring mixed feelings, with excitement and hope but also uncertainty and worry. PDLs struggled to fulfill their obligations to their families and faced social disapproval and the temptation to end their lives as a form of escape. Despite these challenges, their connection and faith in God prevailed, and they realized the importance of becoming a better person for reintegration. The PDLs’ vision is to provide for their families and sacrifice their own happiness for a selfless life disposition. The vision of young PDLs living a happy life with loved ones, spouses, or marriage is equally important.
Keywords: Freedom, Regained, Persons Deprived of Liberty, Transcendental Phenomenology, Reintegration
Understanding the Nature and Condition of Adolescents with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Proponents: Alexandria Blake C. Real, Jennifer M. Garcia
The study aimed to recognize and categorize the characteristics of adolescents with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). This study is qualitative research utilizing the multiple case study design to determine the common symptoms of ten (10) individual cases with GAD from each of their psychologists. Interview guide question was developed to set a direction in gathering the clients’ nature and condition. A thematic analysis using Braun and Clarke’s (2006) method was used to formulate relevant extracts’ themes to understand their common symptoms. The findings revealed that adolescents who are diagnosed with GAD have manifestations of physiological, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms. This study posits an easier understanding of their symptoms in the context of a Filipino setting through their psychologists’ transcriptions. With the findings, a better understanding of the perspective of adolescents with GAD can be conveyed to the community in preventing public
and self-stigma amongst them. This is also a step forward in designing effective psychotherapeutic interventions tailored to their needs. A program for their mental health protection and promotion is also recommended for further studies.
Keywords: Common Symptoms, adolescents, generalized anxiety disorder
Social Support and Techno-stress of Faculty Members in a State University in Northern Luzon, Philippines
Proponents: Alexandria Blake C. Real-Pisalbo, Mico M. Molina, Kristina Camille V. Pacris-Quitevis, Aldrin S. Jaramilla
This descriptive-correlational study investigates the relationship between social support and technostress among 260 University of Northern Philippines faculty members, aiming to propose an action plan for the institution. Findings reveal a notable level of technostress experienced by UNP faculty, with factors like usefulness, reliability, presenteeism, and pace of change significantly impacting them, while complexity does not. Despite a moderately high level of perceived social support derived from family, friends, and significant others, there is no significant correlation between received social support and technostress dimensions. However, a weak negative relationship is observed between perceived social support and technostress. The study concludes that while The Safe Space Project addresses technostress, the dynamic technological workplace underscores the necessity for a dedicated University Psychologist. Such a professional can offer tailored guidance to faculty members, ensuring a comprehensive approach to mental health support in the digital age.
Keywords: Social Support, Technostress, Faculty, State University, Northern Luzon
Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSP) in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management of Secondary Schools in Indigenous Cultural Communities in Abra, Philippines
Proponents: Rhoda P. Asencio, Edelyn A. Cadorna
Indigenous knowledge systems and practices (IKSP) are utilized by the Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICC) to mitigate the impact of disasters. This study determined the IKSPs in disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) of the secondary schools in the selected indigenous communities in Abra, Philippines. It employed a mixed-method explanatory sequential research design. Data were gathered using surveys and interviews. Findings showed that the schools in the ICCs utilized their IKSPs to manage disasters along the four thematic areas of DRRM: prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and rehabilitation. IKSPs, as part of disaster management, include utilizing local plants, observing the behaviors of some animals and insects, observing the colors of the clouds, and performing rituals by the elders in the community. Furthermore, the result of the study revealed these IKSPs emerged to be essential in the prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and rehabilitation during disasters such as; “Alluyon,” “Ganap,” “Komon,” “Sagubay,” Ubaya,” ” Senga,” “Lapat System,” “Agamang,” “Bodong” and “Dap- Ay.”
Keywords: Indigenous Knowledge, Maeng, Lapat, Explanatory design, Abra.
The Untold Stories of People Who Had Suicidal Ideations: A Phenomenological Study
Proponents: Krista B. Manzano, Pe R. Asuncion, Blessie Ann R. Cabato, Andrea Mae F. Jimenez, Alyssa Jane B. Palacpac, Cherry B. Banilad
This study explored and described the lived experiences of people who had suicidal ideations. It gathered information and real-life experiences to reveal the significant life stories of persons with suicidal thoughts. Descriptive phenomenology was employed to explore and describe the lived experiences of young adults who had suicidal ideation. The study included eight participants who were selected purposively. A semi-structured individual interview was utilized in gathering the data. Data analysis was done immediately after every data collection using Colaizzi’s seven-step processes. This study has three central themes that emerged from the data which included a) emotional experience, b) life’s crisis, and c) sparks of hope in life. The main themes are classified into eleven categories: the feeling of emptiness, feeling of worthlessness, feeling of emotional pain, feeling of giving up, family conflict, intrapersonal conflict, challenging life situations, isolation, restoration and installation of hope, sustaining positive relationships, and sense of life. This research revealed that all have their battles to fight. Coping with their issues, becoming independent, and trying to bridge the gap between their dear ones and, most importantly, with themselves entail emotional labor, as each participant from a different context with different backstories shared their unique experiences. Therefore, student nurses should uplift these vulnerable groups’ spiritual values and morals and encourage them to vent their feelings to trusted friends.
Keywords: Suicide, ideations, real-life, experiences, young adult
A Sequential-Explanatory Study on the Financial Literacy of Women Farmers in Ilocos Sur
Proponents: Maria Sofia Guiller T. Tomaneng, Reynalyn D. Amistad, Jasmine Mild B. Ato, Sophia O. Chan, Francine Nicole C. Custodio, Bonifacio Jonelle D. Peruna, Adrienne Bianca C. Solian, Christian S. Domondon
Women farmers are underrepresented in Philippine society. Their existence and hard work are often disregarded and undervalued. This is apparent in localities where agriculture is the leading source of income. This sequential-explanatory study inquired about women farmers’ financial literacy level and lived experiences in four municipalities in the 1st District of Ilocos Sur, where most women farmers are located. The study utilized a problem-solving test and survey questionnaires to determine the literacy level of women farmers in terms of knowledge, attitude and behavior, and skills. At the same time, a semi-structured interview was done for the qualitative aspect of the study. Frequency and percentage, mean, and thematic analysis were used to analyze the data. Results showed that women farmers exhibited low financial knowledge and skills and a high financial attitude and behavior, resulting in an average financial literacy. Challenges influenced by their low financial knowledge and skills were due to environmental and social factors. Meanwhile, their high financial attitude and behavior positively impacted their lived farming experiences. Moreover, their exposure to selling, budgeting, saving, and engaging with banking institutions contributed to their average financial literacy. Therefore, the study recommends programs and training implementations by the government to improve the farmers’ financial literacy further and empower women farmers.
Keywords: Agriculture, financial literacy, mixed-methods, sequential-explanatory, women farmers
Itneg Mother’s Concessions: Perinatal Beliefs and Practices Unwrapped
Proponents: Daryll Jeremy Virtudes, Andrea Janella Labuni, Hannah Kaye Tolentino, Jamaica Tenorio, Lilia Elizabeth Quitevis, Glayza Mae Manzano, Jantrix Ace Collado, Nico Van Adrian Villahermosa, Jevie A. Abella
This study unwrapped and discussed the beliefs and practices of Itnegs during the perinatal period, particularly in the pregnancy, postpartum, and infant care phases. A descriptive phenomenology type of qualitative study was utilized to explore the beliefs and practices of the Itnegs in Barangay Cadanglaan, Magsingal, Ilocos Sur. With all the revelations of the participants, the following conclusions were coiled: The first central theme is Neonatal and Intrapartal Care with two categories, Superstitious Beliefs and Practices, Multivitamin Supplementation, and Safety Measures; under this theme highlighted the beliefs and practices that they follow to attain good delivery of fetus and practices that may lessen the jeopardy of complications that may lead to abortion and other complications of the mother and the fetus. The second theme is postpartum care, which has two categories: scientific and indigenous approaches. This portion revealed that Itnegs have different beliefs and practices that focus on faster healing of the mother and prevention of post-delivery complications of the fetus; all are anchored to the inherited knowledge from their predecessors. The third theme is Neonatal Care, with three categories, Protection Feeding Approaches and Home Remedies, which lean on protecting against harm to the infant, both physiologic and superstitious claims. Lastly, the fourth theme is Introspections with two categories: Culture Adaptation and Culture Preservation, wherein these folks showed how worried they are about possibly eliminating these native practices and beliefs and how they adapted new practices. Itnegs are one of the IP groups with gazillions of practices and beliefs that are fascinating and tested over time. However, as days go on, these ancestral concepts weren’t transmitted to the present generation, which gives an increased possibility of being covered up by modern approaches. The revelation of these tribal concepts is essential because they are not just considered manna but treasures sharpened by time and challenged by the dynamic world.
Keywords: Perinatal, beliefs, practices, itnegs
The Lifeworld of Voluntary Childless Married Couples
Proponents: Jesserie Grace C. Anglo, Ariza May Q. Quiocho, Sunshine M. Tubera, Marinella Yagin, Bonna Mae S. Gorospe
Childlessness is an increasingly common phenomenon in modern society, and couples who do not have children often face unique experiences. Despite the existing literature about being childless, a dearth of recent evidence on the lifeworld was noted. This qualitative study explored the lifeworld of ten voluntary childless married couples using transcendental phenomenology. Data were gathered through one-on-one semi-structured interviews with a researcher-made guide. Data were transcribed, coded, and categorized to obtain the results of the study. Data revealed that factors contributing to voluntary childlessness included age, body concerns, career focus, fear of responsibility, socio-economic factors, and others’ experiences. Informants reported positive emotions, togetherness, financial security, career focus, firm decision-making, support systems, and social challenges in their experiences. Their future perspectives included contentment, commitment, increased time together, anxiety, and thoughts on inheritance. The study suggests a need for further research on this topic. Additionally, information and educational materials about raising awareness, finding support, and building the confidence of the voluntary childless married couples to speak up and recognize their uniqueness should be developed.
Keywords: Marriage, Childlessness, Transcendental Phenomenology, Moustakas, Philippines
Roses After the Thorns: Challenges and Coping Among the Spouses of Uniformed Personnel
Proponents: Alma Josefina A. Bobita, Wendelyn R. Talbo
This study explored and described the experiences of the spouses of uniformed personnel, specifically on their challenges and coping. It employed the transcendental phenomenology design to understand the experiences of the spouses of uniformed personnel. Semi- structured interviews were utilized to elicit information to answer the research questions. The interview was conducted using telephones, cellphones, and video calls. The participants were spouses of uniformed personnel who rendered ten years and above in service. The study revealed that uniformed personnel spouses were confronted with challenges because they have their unique ways of coping with various challenges. These challenges are time, stress, and nervous breakdown. Their coping mechanisms are faith in God and understanding the nature of work. The Armed Forces of the Philippines must organize activities involving all the family members of the spouses of the uniformed personnel.
Keywords: challenges, spouses, experiences, uniformed personnel, coping
Votive Offerings for Miracles: Ex-Votos for Apo Lakay at the Simbaan a Bassit in Vigan City
Proponents: Ashley Paulino S. Martinez
This study explored and described the experiences of the spouses of uniformed personnel, specifically on their challenges and coping. It employed the transcendental phenomenology design to understand the experiences of the spouses of uniformed personnel. Semi- structured interviews were utilized to elicit information to answer the research questions. The interview was conducted using telephones, cellphones, and video calls. The participants were spouses of uniformed personnel who rendered ten years and above in service. The study revealed that uniformed personnel spouses were confronted with challenges because they have their unique ways of coping with various challenges. These challenges are time, stress, and nervous breakdown. Their coping mechanisms are faith in God and understanding the nature of work. The Armed Forces of the Philippines must organize activities involving all the family members of the spouses of the uniformed personnel.
Keywords: challenges, spouses, experiences, uniformed personnel, coping
Ilokano-Ness Of Bain Ken Basol: A Phenomenological Inquiry
Proponents: Aldrin S. Jaramilla, Lloyd A. Mata, Simeon Abarquez IV
This study aims to metaphysically explore, interpret, and establish how the Ilocanos in the northern part of the Philippine islands experience bain ken basol, understood as shame and sin or guilt, during moral failure and how they resolve it. The research method used is a qualitative research design employing the philosophic phenomenological method that comprises the four intertwining steps of 1) epoche, 2) phenomenological reduction, 3) imaginative variation, and 4) synthesis. Vital information had been explored from thirty informants represented by the young, middle-aged, and old generations through in-depth, semi-structured interviews or open-ended questioning. The findings of the study revealed that thecultural complexities and the perspectival and contextual concepts of the Ilocano society have established a progressively multifaceted psychoanalytic intersubjective ground. The discussions of the experiences and concepts built up on bain ken basol further boiled down to four theories, namely: theory of distinctiveness, theory of oneness, theory of accommodation, theory of interconnectedness, theory of relational responsibility.
Keywords: shame, sin-guilt, intersubjective, grounded theories
Initial Inventory and Documentation of Stone/Brick-and-Lime Vats (Baldi) in Some Northern Towns of the Province of Ilocos Sur, Philippines
Proponent: Fatima Nicetas Alonzo
This is an initial inventory and documentation of remaining, abandoned and non-functioning vats, locally referred to as baldi, in some northern towns of Ilocos Sur, many of which are in various states of human-mediated damage and natural deterioration. It was undertaken by faculty proponents and students of the College of Architecture of the University of Northern Philippines, Vigan City with a local anthropologist for the period 2017 to 2018. The research sought to establish the significance of the vats in the cultural life of the province. As a descriptive method of research of the qualitative type, the project basically aimed to identify the location of the vats, determine their construction methodology and materials of construction, inscribe their architectural character and features, evaluate their current physical condition and contexts, and ascertain their ownership. The information gathered is structured and presented in a summary of 1) Inventory, in tables, 2) Graphical presentation, 3) Photographs and 4) Description of vat attributes. There are 63 (7 of which could not be measured and could only be photographed) inventoried vats, excluding wells and other features in a few vat assemblages in 17 vat sites (12 of which with visible vat assemblages [sites that include two or more vats]), in 10 barangays of 8 towns (Sinait, Cabugao, San Juan, Magsingal, Santo Domingo, San Ildefonso, San Vicente, and Bantay).
Preliminary Notes from Oral History and Literature on the Baldi of Ilocos Sur, Philippines
Proponents: M.L. I. Ingel, Fatima Nicetas A. Rabang-Alonzo, Uldarico A. Pacada, G.A. Retuta and Renato B.Navarro
Stone or brick-and-lime vats locally referred to as baldi occur across the province of Ilocos Sur, Philippines. Many of the baldi must have been constructed for the purpose of natural indigo dye production from the locally-grown indigo plant. This was important to the Ilocos economy and contributed to the wealth of the historic town of Vigan listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. However, some vats had been used for different production activities, including those that apparently changed function at certain points in time, attributable to the shifts in the economy of the region. Most or all of the vats had ceased being utilized for livelihood-related production since around the 1960s or even earlier. Overall, the vats should be viewed not as generic cultural features with a single function, but as tangible cultural heritage that must have had a variety of functions across space and time given site-specific and dynamic environmental, economic, and cultural contexts. They merit further historical-archaeological research, particularly in relation to the history of Vigan.
Keywords: baldi, indigo vats, indigo dye, built heritage, heritage protection
Assessment of the Spiritual Nursing Care Competencies of Nursing Students in the Ilocos Region, Philippines: A Descriptive Correlational Study
Proponents: Epifania Marlene R. Purisima, PhD, RN and Norenia T. Dao-ayen, PhD, RN
The study aimed to assess the spiritual nursing care competencies of BSN students in Region 1 through the utilization of a descriptive-correlational research design involving the 424 Levels 2 – 4 BSN students and 125 clinical instructors from 14 selected higher education institutions. Data were gathered through questionnaires and were analyzed using frequency percentage, mean, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Findings revealed that the extent of the spiritual nursing care competencies of BSN students in Region 1 is moderate (spiritual nursing knowledge: x ̄= 11.18; spiritual values: x ̄= 3.77; and spiritual nursing skills: x ̄= 2.76). There is a very weak positive, statistically significant correlation between the students’ year level and spiritual values (r = 0.135, SD = 0.63, p < 0.01) and spiritual nursing skills (r = 0.153, SD = 0.62, p < 0.01). Furthermore, a very weak inverse significant relationship was revealed between the school category (r = -0.113, SD = 0.62, p < 0.05) and the level of accreditation (r = -0.101, SD = 0.62, p < 0.05) to their spiritual nursing skills. The BSN students in Region 1 are reasonably competent in rendering spiritual nursing care. Their year level, school category, and school accreditation are important factors to better spiritual nursing skills. As they advance in the year level, they are likely to assimilate spiritual values that are indispensable in delivering spiritual nursing care. However, amidst this favorable competence, clinical instructors still see the students as work in progress, capable of excelling. Thus, the utilization of the training module, which is an output of this endeavor, can help the nurse educators mold BSN students to advance their spiritual nursing care competence.
Keywords: baldi, indigo vats, indigo dye, built heritage, heritage protection
Young Adults' Intrapersonal Construct of Sexual Harassment
Proponent: Irene Abigail S. Guerrero, DComm
There is little literature discussing the construction of meaning at an individual level about sexual harassment. This study presented the level of perception of males and females on sexually harassing content and discussed how males and females construe sexual harassment. Using integrated mixed methods and employing quota sampling, 400 respondents from the Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur provinces participated in the survey, and 10 participants were interviewed. Based on the study results, females and males have varying levels of perception of verbal, visual, physical, and digital body language constructs relating to sexually harassing content. Their levels of perception of sexually harassing content are more pronounced in same-sex communication; female-to-female, and male-to-male communication events. Further, the construct of sexual harassment was influenced by the sender’s and recipient’s gender and sex, degree of intimacy in relationships, and non-verbal communication. Future studies could explore policy sciences, computer-mediated communication, and misinterpretation and miscommunication in within sexual harassment issues.
Keywords: baldi, indigo vats, indigo dye, built heritage, heritage protection